The following rules are intended to promote a safe and enjoyable archery experience consistent with the rules and guidelines of Oak Ridge Archery and Lago Vista ISD and to conform with applicable law. Our goal is to provide an archery range that accommodates recreational and competitive events in a family-friendly environment. Please be considerate of all guests.

1.      All guests must check in with the range pro shop prior to engaging in any activity on the range.

2.      All guests must sign a release prior to using the range, whether a participant or spectator.  NO EXCEPTIONS.  All guests acknowledge the assumption of risk associated with archery and any activity on the range.

3.      All guests must stay on open trails/paths only. DO NOT wander off or use any trails marked as "closed trail". 

4.      Only shoot at designated targets from designated shooting stakes.

5.      All minors on the property must be in the presence and active oversight of a responsible adult.  Minors must be accompanied by an adult on the walking trail. The range staff has the discretion to require adult supervision of any minor at any time.

6.      No broadheads shall be used or allowed on the range.

7.      No crossbows are allowed on the range. Crossbows, firearms, air guns, paintball guns and sling shots are strictly prohibited on the property.  NO EXCEPTIONS.

8.      To hunt or harass any wildlife on the property is strictly prohibited.

9.      No consumption or possession of alcoholic beverages is allowed on the property. Oak Ridge Archery has and will exercise the right to ask anyone who appears to be impaired by alcohol or drugs to leave the premises immediately.

10.  Smoking and vaping are prohibited on the property.

11.  No littering or dumping on the range.  All litter must be deposited in trash receptacles.

12.  Range privileges are revocable. Violation of any of these Range Rules may be grounds for removal and/or expulsion from the premises. 

13.  No illegal activities are allowed on the property.

14.  Vehicles must remain in designated parking areas. Additional parking will be available at Lago Vista High School.   

Safety Rules

1.      The walking trail shall be shot in sequential order from lower to higher station numbers. NO BACKTRACKING ALLOWED.

2.      Always be aware of the target and what is beyond it.  Doublecheck down range of the target when approaching the shooting stake.

3.      Only nock an arrow at the shooting stake.

4.      Never shoot a broken or cracked arrow. Check equipment prior to commencing any activity.

5.      Always keep bow pointed towards target.

6.      Always draw bow with arrow parallel to the ground.  ABSOLUTELY NO "SKY DRAWING"!

7.      When retrieving arrows, leave bow on bow rack or shooting stake.

8.      Do not wander behind target or into adjoining shooting lane. DO NOT attempt to retrieve or hunt for lost arrows that have missed the target.  Please let the range staff know and we will retrieve any lost arrows when the range is closed.

9.      Wear appropriate gear for walking the range.  No sandals or open-toed shoes allowed.